The Top 10 Benefits of Aerial Yoga for Your Mind and Body

Aerial yoga brings together traditional asana (yoga’s physical postures) and yoga philosophy with aerial arts. In this type of yoga, a silk cloth or sling is used to help practitioners form shapes. In this article, we are going to discuss the top 10 benefits of aerial yoga for your mind and body.

What is Aerial Yoga?

Instead of doing yoga poses on a mat, aerial yoga uses a silk rope or sling hung from the ceiling to copy the same movements. The sling’s goal is to provide support during your yoga practice while at the same time increasing flexibility and range of motion. The sling hammock also decreases strain on specific regions of the body, such as the head and shoulders, allowing you to perform more difficult positions like headstands more easily. Although most aerial yoga pictures show yogis floating in the air, many aerial yoga postures just need you to lift one body part, such as your foot or leg, off the ground.

Different Types of Aerial Yoga Poses

Aerial yoga positions can range from requiring minimal sling support for balance to fully depending on the sling. A beginner or introductory session can help you learn basic wrapping and positions. Some of the different types of aerial yoga poses are:

Vrksasana (tree pose): This pose is ideal for people who have tight hips or have difficulty externally rotating their hips. The sling supports your body, making this pose more beneficial.

Matsyasana (supported fish position): This is an approachable pose that is beneficial to people of all abilities. It expands the chest and improves the flexibility of the spine.

Ardha Kapotasana (half-pigeon pose): Place your bent leg on the ground and your lengthened leg in the sling. This pose opens up the hip flexors.

Supta Konasana (reclined angle pose/inverted star position): Getting your chest above your head is quite useful; certainly, you must do this upside down, but it is possible.

Top 10 Benefits of Aerial Yoga For The Mind and Body

Improving Circulation

Aerial yoga helps to rotate and move stagnant blood that is spread throughout the body. Aerial yoga, which promotes good blood circulation, can help fight heart disease and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Aerial yoga inversions temporarily enhance circulation and, in the long run, can give you greater energy and concentration.

Help In Digestion

Your body goes through several motions and stretches that help stimulate the digestive system. Aerial yoga could help you get rid of digestive problems like constipation and indigestion. Some yogis believe that stretching helps relax their abdomen while also providing relief from irritable bowel syndrome.

Helps Relieve Nerve Pressure

Another health advantage of aerial yoga is spinal decompression; the inverted poses connected with aerial yoga align your body, particularly your spine. When you stand, your spine becomes compressed, whereas hanging upside down helps the body and spine return to their original and natural alignment. Hanging freely results in your spine extending, and lesser pressure on your back while performing these exercises also relieves stress in the hip joint. No more back discomfort after exercise steps.

Cleaning Out Your Body

Aerial yoga helps to purify the circulatory and lymphatic systems, lowering the chance of developing cardiovascular problems. Yoga is well-known for its ability to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit; the circulatory and lymphatic systems work together more effectively to clear impurities, returning your body to a healthy state anytime you feel heavy or bloated.

Improved Balance

Exercising against gravitational pressure helps you to maintain your balance and stability during daily tasks. This is particularly important as you get older when you are more vulnerable to accidents and have a much longer recovery period from injuries.

Improving Neurological Function

Inversions (being upside down) allow blood flow to the brain, supplying it with more oxygen, and allowing it to perform faster and more effectively, improving mental attention, memory, and clarity of thought. Sport builds brain connections and increases memory power; aerial yoga makes you smarter and allows you to keep your brain capacity undamaged for a longer period.

Reducing Stress

The peaceful state created by yoga helps in stress management throughout the day, allowing you to rebuild your emotional system and improve your creativity. Aerial yoga improves your attitude and allows you to enjoy life more. Anxiety, sadness, and mood swings will not occur anymore once you start exercising upside down in an aerial yoga session.

Improves Focus

When you try a new exercise, your brain learns something new. Aerial yoga improves focus because you are most likely unfamiliar with the yoga poses you will be performing. In this way, you become more aware of your body position and get a fresh viewpoint on other parts of life.

A Full-Body Exercise

When practicing aerial yoga, you are forced to work every muscle, allowing for motions of all kinds, including ligaments and joints. Most sports and physical disciplines require rotating between upper and lower body workouts, while aerial yoga uses both at the same time. You will be able to tone and train muscles in both the upper and lower bodies, as well as move and stretch the complete body.

Increase Your Flexibility

Aerial yoga lengthens your ligaments and relaxes your muscles because you are hanging in the air, which releases tension in your body and allows you to perform new exercises at a range you were unaware you were capable of. Spinal and shoulder flexibility are increased particularly, allowing you to move more easily and with less effort.


Yoga has long been known as one of the best ways to stay fit and relieve stress. While regular yoga is good for the mind and body, aerial yoga has a few extra benefits. Aerial yoga offers many health and mind-related benefits. While it may seem difficult at first, this yoga pose is easily accessible. You can start practicing aerial yoga to help improve your health and flexibility.

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