How to Choose The Best Certified Yoga Instructor Training

Understand Your Intentions and Goals

Before searching for a particular school, find out what type of yoga suits you the best. What do you enjoy doing the most? Select a yoga style that matches your fitness level, personality, and goals for practicing yoga. Start by asking yourself are you practicing yoga to improve your physical health, or just for fun? That is why it is important that you first know your intentions and then choose a particular style to specialize in. Identifying your preferred style will help you focus —whether it’s Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, or another.

Explore Different Yoga Schools

With a large number of yoga schools out there, it is not easy to choose the right one among those. To make the right decision, start by researching schools with years of experience. Search for recognized schools with a good reputation among students who practice yoga, and who have already passed out from there. Take recommendations and feedback from them. A reputable school will provide highly qualified and experienced yoga teachers for the yoga teacher training program. Compared to the older schools that have been in existence for more than ten or twenty years, some newer schools that have only been in existence for a few years have a far stronger internet presence. This is the method used to mislead people. So before choosing a particular school, do careful research.

Experience Of The Instructor 

It is no doubt that teachers play a very important role in your yoga journey. You should carefully focus on this point before enrolling in any Yoga Teacher Training program since they will be your inspiration and role model for the years to come. Any yoga teacher training school that offers certification as a yoga instructor’s greatest asset is its faculty. If you don’t learn how to teach properly, the yoga certification will be of no use to you. Find out how experienced the instructor and the faculty members are. Look out for the yoga schools where a senior teacher has a minimum of twenty years of experience. During the course, make sure you have enough time and chances to practice teaching. All these points will help you become a good yoga teacher. 

Classroom Size and Student-Teacher Ratio

When selecting the best-certified yoga teacher training, it’s important to check the class size of that particular school or institution. How many students are enrolled in one single class? The student-teacher ratio and class size have a big impact on how well students learn. The smaller the class size is, the easier it is for students to focus in the class and get individualized attention, providing a closer bond with the teachers.

Yoga Style 

Every instructor teaches differently. Some instructors may prioritize spirituality and flow, while others concentrate on alignment. Know the training program’s teaching approach and find out whether it fits with your learning style and aspirations to become a yoga instructor.

Location And Cost

Choosing the right location while keeping in mind your expenses is important. Your overall training experience depends on the location of your yoga school. Look for locations that provide a peaceful learning atmosphere. 

Before beginning a new fitness or exercise routine, always see your doctor, particularly if you have any health issues or are an older adult. Always practice the yoga poses and asanas under expert supervision or with the guidance of your yoga instructor.

Why Trimurti Yoga School is the Best Choice?

  • We at Trimurti Yoga School are incredibly proud of our group of highly skilled and knowledgeable yoga instructors. Because each one of them has a unique area of specialty within yoga, instructors offer a wide area of knowledge. 
  • Students can express themselves and realize their full potential in a judgment-free and welcoming environment at our school. We think it’s important to encourage self-discovery and creativity to make each student’s experience special and meaningful.
  • We also provide personalized attention to all of our students. 
  • Trimurti Yoga School has a huge cultural diversity, with students and instructors from all around the world interacting in a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere.
  • We provide a certified yoga training program.
  • Our specialty is our location which is on the lovely island of Bali, providing a calm and beautiful setting for your practice. The peaceful surroundings offer the ideal conditions for self-development and personal growth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Is there any specific requirement to join the yoga teacher training program?

No, there is no additional requirement, anyone can join this program.

  • Is certification from the Yoga Alliance required to teach yoga?

Yes, obtaining a Yoga Alliance certification improves the reputation and provides access to teaching positions at accredited yoga schools and institutions all over the world.

  • How long should a yoga teacher training program last?

While the length can vary, most training programs have a 200 or 300-hour duration. Select a time duration that will allow you to completely understand the lessons without rushing through the process.

  • After completing the yoga teacher training program, can I teach yoga anywhere in the world?

Yes, a Yoga Alliance certification is accepted throughout the world, allowing you to teach in many different nations.

  • What is the difference between the 200 and 300-hour training program?

While the 300-hour program is advanced and expands upon the knowledge acquired in the 200-hour program, the 200-hour program is the basic level. In order to provide a thorough education, some educators decide to finish both.

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