Unlock Your Body’s Potential: How Yoga Enhances Flexibility and Improves Mobility

Yoga Enhances Flexibility

Flexibility plays a vital role in our overall well-being. It allows us to move freely and perform daily activities with ease. Yoga, an ancient practice originating from India, encompasses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques. Regular practice of yoga can not only increase flexibility but also improve strength, balance, and mental clarity. Understanding Flexibility … Read more

Where did yoga come from, and how has it changed?

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Where did yoga come from and when? The short answer is: between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago in India, based on who you ask. Because the stories and lessons of yoga were told orally or written on palm fronds that could easily break down, it is almost impossible to know the exact date (and place!). … Read more



Most of the time, we think of MANTRA YOGA as a physical practise that involves different poses and ways of breathing. Did you know that repeating a word or sound over and over while being aware of it is also a type of yoga? Mantra yoga, japa, and mantra meditation all involve chanting sacred sound … Read more

What is Vinyasa or Flow Yoga?

Vinyasa or Flow Yoga

Have you ever been curious about what it is? Vinyasa yoga is a very popular style that combines movement with breathing. It is usually described as a practise with a theme or goal that is made up of poses that are linked and related to each other. As many teachers as there are, there are … Read more

Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali – A Transformative Journey for Mind and Body

Sidhanth Aksar, India

A Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali can be the ideal choice for you if you’re searching for an experience that will change your life. The goal of this yin yoga teacher training program is to provide you with the skills you need to teach yin yoga to others and a deeper understanding of the … Read more

Unraveling the Ancient History of Yoga

History of Yoga

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root “Yuj,” which means “to join,” or “to unite.”Its roots can be found in ancient India, where the Indus-Sarasvati culture created it as a spiritual practice more than 5,000 years ago. The Vedas, an ancient collection of Indian literature that dates back to approximately 1500 BCE, contain the first known … Read more

What is The History of Yin Yoga

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

yin yoga training bali is an old practice that has recently become more popular. People often call it a type of yoga, but many don’t know if it comes from China or India. Yin yoga is based on ancient Chinese Taoist practise that involved holding stretches for a long time. Taoist Yin Yoga combines ancient … Read more

Yin Yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation

Yin yoga and mindfulness meditation a practice  that changes the body, the heart, and the mind Both scientific and spiritual, Yin Yoga and meditation can be used to make sure the whole person is in the best shape possible. When you combine Yin Yoga and mindfulness meditation, you open up powerful opportunities for change and … Read more